Selecting Popup Windows in Selenium

This example shows how to start a Selenium Server and run a Selenium client in Java. The example opens up a popup window by clicking on the link in index.html. It then selects the popup window by first using the "name=popupWindowName" option for selectWindow. It then grabs the original window (using "name=null"). And, finally, it …

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Fixed: OpenOffice “Restore Windows” Popup

I tried starting Open Office on my Mac running 10.7.2, and I got this annoying popup window that won't go away. I click on "Don't Restore Windows" or "Restore Windows", and it just stays popped up. I found a solution though. 1) Force Quit your Open Office Application (Right-click holding the option key). 2) Open …

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How to setup a clustered Quartz scheduler in Grails 2.0.0

In my steps below, I'm using Grails 2.0.0 and Quartz 2.1.1. I'm also connecting to a local DB2 database. 1. Run "grails clean" on your application. 2. Add the "quartz-all-2.1.1.jar" and "c3p0-" (in the lib folder of your Quartz download) to your lib directory. 3. Right click on your Grails project and chose "Grails Tools …

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